SEVENTEEN - Your Choice (OTHER SIDE VERSION) (8th Mini Album)
- 1 CD: Different design for each version
- Photo book (80p): 3 versions of ONE SIDE, 2 versions of OTHER SIDE, and 5 versions of BESIDE
2 types, 5 types of BESIDE
** Random 1 out of 3 [ONE SIDE] types
[OTHER SIDE] 1 random choice from 2 types
[BESIDE] 1 randomly selected from 5 types
- Photocard: 1 randomly selected from 13 types of each version
- POSTcard: 1 random 1 of 13 from each version
- Sticker: 1 of each version
- Heavy iron lyric paper (8p): 1 of each version
- Transparent bookmark: 1 of each version
- Minicard: 1 random 1 of each of the 13 versions (**Inserted in ONE SIDE, BESIDE versions only)
- Unit Cards: 1 random 1 of 6 (**inserted only in OTHER SIDE version)
- POSTer: 1 random 1 of 4 total