Red Velvet - Cosmic (Cosmie Version)
2. Sunflower
3. Last Drop
4. Love Arcade
5. Bubble
6. Night DrIVE
7. Sweet Dreams *Title
REDVELVET will release their 10th annIVErsary fan song "Sweet Dreams" on August 1st!
Red Velvet expresses their love and sincerity for their fans!
Red Velvet (part of SM Entertainment) will release their fan song "Sweet Dreams" on August 1.
Red Velvet's new song "Sweet Dreams" will be released on August 1 at 6 p.m. on various music sites, and as it is a fan song released on the 10th annIVErsary of their debut, it will be even more meaningful to Red Velvet and their fans who have been together for a long time since their debut.
In addition, following the release of the new song on August 1, Red Velvet will be actIVEly promoting their 10th annIVErsary activities by holding the '2024 Red Velvet FANCON TOUR' in fIVE regions in Asia, starting with a performance in Seoul on August 2-4.
Cosmie Ver.(NFCCD) User Guide
1. Install the NEMOZ app from the Play Store or App Store.
2. After signing up, please check your email verification. If you do not receIVE an email, please check your spam folder.
3. After verifying your email, click the Complete Verification button on the NEMOZ app and you will be automatically logged in.
4. Please enable NFC and contactless payment on your Android device. If you can set a separate NFC mode, please enable the 'default mode'. iOS does not need to set a separate NFC fuNCTion.
5. Touch the NFC CD to the back of your device to open the album registration page in the NEMOZ app. Generally, NFC is recognized in the center of the back of the phone for Android phones and near the camera for iPhones.
6. Tap the check button to register the album to your account.
7. EnJOY the registered album contents in multiple languages!
* Album Specifications
- Package Box : 1 piece
- Cosmie KEYring: Insert 1 random out of 5 types
- NFC CD: 1 type
- Cosmie Card: 1 type (image differs by version)
- Cosmie Card: 1 type inserted (image varies by version)
- POSTcard: 1 random 1 out of 5 (Image is the same for each version)
- Mini POSTer: 1 insert (image is the same for each version)
- Photocard: 1 random out of 5 (image is the same for each version)
Specific References