Ivan's fighting spirit in the fierce cONFrontation between good and evil, and his sincere concern for his country, forces him to use the power of absolute evil for the safety of the Snow Kingdom! Following "KARMA," which sang about the oriental fantasy story of the Kingdom of the Clouds, History of Kingdom: Part III unfolds the story of the power of absolute evil, "BLACK CROWN," in the fierce cONFrontation between good and evil of IVAN, the protagonist of the Snow Kingdom.
ROHAN & DDANK of AllRN:D, the talented producers who created the title songs of the first and second albums, have once again joined forces to create the title song for the huge world of KINGDOM, and will present a self-writTEN track that members Dan and Moojin participated in writing and composing for the third album.
[Album Specifications]
COVER (150 mm X 210 mm X 12 mm) (varies by version)
PHOTO BOOK + CD R (145 mm x 200 mm 72p) (Varies by version)
PHOTO CARD (7 types for each version, 1 randomly selected)
GAME CARD (1 randomly selected from a total of 7 types)
POSTER (**For the first time only** / 1 type per version)
Specific References