KIM JAE JOONG - SEQUENCE 4 (Platform Album)
    • KIM JAE JOONG - SEQUENCE 4 (Platform Album)

    KIM JAE JOONG - SEQUENCE 4 (Platform Album)

    Label: Warner Music

    Release Date: December 26, 2024

    Format: QR Card

    Weight: 6



    KIM JAE JOONG  - SEQUENCE #4 (Platform Album)

    “Music leaves a scene.”

    Time is captured in photographs, and like scenes, time freezes and memories


    Time starts over, accumulates, and becomes a memory,

    When it stops, we are left with a scene called the end.

    At the end of the end, another time begins,

    and maybe, just maybe, we are not a repetition of the end,

    we lIVE in a sequence of beginnings.

    Now, those small expressions are put to music in SEQUENCE #4.

    Jaejoong Kim's SEQUENCE #4 is about the theme of “Continuation of Beginnings” as a singer.

    It contains the meaning of another beginning that begins for the fourth time.

    The word “SEQUENCE”, which contains both the meaning of order and the meaning of a scene with one continuity.

    The word, “SEQUENCE”, which includes both the meaning of sequence and the meaning of a scene with one continuity.

    the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025, I hope that the music will reach your heart like a scene

    I hope the music will reach your heart like a scene.

    [album specifications].

    Outbox (Sleeve)

    87mm x 117mm x 23mm/1ea/varies by version

    Photo QR Card

    55mm x 85mm/1ea/varies by version

    Platform Album Manual

    55mm x 85mm/1ea

    Photocard (Selfie)

    55mm x 85mm/3ea/varies by version


    75mm x 100mm/5ea/Varies by version

    Fortune Card

    85mm x 55mm/Random/4ea of 8ea/Varies by version


    Specific References

